Friday April 11, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm MDT
Archivists have been asked to do more with less for decades, while also being encouraged to advocate for additional resources. But what do you do when you find yourself as the proverbial dog who has finally caught the car? How do you ensure that you don't under-deliver? The Eastern Michigan University Archives (EMUA) team has systematically grown their archives program (both staffing and space) over the past 12 years, but it has come with numerous wins and countless complications. University archivist Alexis Braun Marks will talk about the advocacy efforts she has undertaken to get additional staff and a major gift to renovate space in the University Library, but also the politics that have surrounded the expansion of the archives. Amber Davis and Brooke Boyst will share how the newly constructed archives has provided long-dreamed-of geographic unity, but how this also threatens the familial culture that has defined the effectiveness of EMUA. They will talk about how they are creating systems and workflows that make sense and do not rely on the “way things have always been done.” Finally, Matt Jones will talk about how the shift from being the EMU Oral History Program (OHP) to a Center has been influenced by local and university politics, handshake agreements, and debates over who tells whose story. But also how they are working to maintain their vision for the OHP, and, by proxy, the University Archives as a whole. The session will provide time for an open dialogue between you and the panelists to understand the ups and downs of getting what you want, as well as inspiration to create a collaborative and effective team that can overcome potential ego pitfalls to create a cohesive work environment.

Alexis Braun Marks

Session Chair, Eastern Michigan University

Brooke Boyst

Eastern Michigan University

Amber Davis

Eastern Michigan University

Matt Jones

Director of the Center for Oral History Research, Eastern Michigan University
Friday April 11, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm MDT
Orchestra (TBD)

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