About me
Director of Archives at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame's Library & Archives since 2009. From 2000-2009, Marilyn Crandell Schleg Archivist and Special Collections Librarian / United Methodist Church West Michigan Conference Archivist at Albion College (Michigan). A member of SAA since 1998. 2017 Archives Leadership Institute alumnus, and 2022 ALI advisory board member. Member of the Midwest Archives Conference since 2003; currently MAC President, 2023-2025. Thomas has presented at professional conferences and local workshops on building sustainable archival programs, archival content management systems, preservation assessments, social media outreach, paper conservation, records management, the identification and preservation of photographs, and local music history collections. Thomas is a contributing author to Museum Archives: Practice, Issues, Advocacy; Journal of Digital Media Management; Engagement in the Digital Era; Music Preservation and Archiving Today; and Exploring Discovery: The Front Door to a Library's Licensed and Digitized Content.