Friday April 11, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
Based on the mishmash of a hot dish, this roundtable will discuss the ingredients needed to create a tasty grant project. From the simplest dump-and-go hot dish to a complex casserole, every recipe still requires essential ingredients and time away from your core duties. Panelists will respond to questions and discuss the similarities and differences between their experiences managing different types of grants within the context of their varying institutions. Takeaways will include the success and failures of budgeting time and money; the morale of staff; working with student employees, project staff, and vendors; the dynamics of working with project partners from other institutions and advisory boards; balancing application commitments with project realities; and more.

Amy Bishop, rare books & manuscripts archivist for Iowa State University, will share her perspective on managing a CLIR grant, particularly working with project partners and an advisory board. Laura Sullivan, digital collections librarian for Iowa State University, will incorporate managing several grants such as CLIR, NHPRC, local grant, and indirect grant contributions. Heidi Pettitt, director of the Center for Dubuque History for Loras College, will share her perspective on managing multiple grants simultaneously, working with student employees, and managing your time. Kristina Warner, archivist for NAHA, will discuss managing NEH, state, and private grants at a small cultural heritage institution. Lynn Smith, av archivist for the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum, will address working with the National Film Preservation Foundation to restore rare Kodacolor film and dealing with the media interest that followed the release of the films.
avatar for Kristina Warner

Kristina Warner

Session Chair, Norwegian American Historical Association

Amy Bishop

Iowa State University

Heidi Pettitt

Loras College

Lynn Smith

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum

Laura Sullivan

Iowa State University
avatar for Kristen Whitson

Kristen Whitson

Digital Specialist and Consortia Manager, WiLS
Friday April 11, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
Orchestra (TBD)

Attendees (8)

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