Saturday April 12, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
Due to budget cuts, layoffs, or other kinds of institutional restructuring, it’s not uncommon for archivists to take over positions that have been vacant for several years. These extended transitions often lead to gaps in institutional knowledge, which in turn exacerbate the usual learning curve of a new position. Many work hours can be lost recreating procedures, getting up to speed on the organizational system, or just figuring out where these stacks of miscellaneous documents came from.

Though the hurdles these archivists face can overlap with those faced by archivists tasked with establishing a new archives at an institution, there are also distinct differences. An archivist entering a long empty role may also have to contend with an established (and perhaps out-of-date) cataloging system, half-finished projects, and commitments that their predecessors made that are no longer feasible. Before they can begin “Serving It Up”, they first need to make sure that we know where all the tools to do the job are.

How can these archivists make sure that they are continuing the work of their predecessors and not reinventing the wheel? And, once they have established themselves in their new roles, how can they minimize the damage of further delays in hiring? The speakers will share their experiences stepping into revived roles, and facilitate discussion on these questions and more.

Michelle Miller

Records Archivist, Illinois State Archives

Rebecca Altermatt

University of Connecticut School of Law

Shandi Burrows

Hamline University
Saturday April 12, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
Orchestra (TBD)

Attendees (3)

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